Best Practices

What is the Average Landscaper Salary & How Can You Increase It?

July 22, 2024
7 mins


Shivang Shukla
At a glance

As a landscaping business owner, understanding the average landscaper salary is crucial. Not only does it help you attract and retain top talent, but it also ensures your business remains competitive in a dynamic industry. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the factors that influence landscaper salaries, explore salary trends by state, and provide strategies for boosting earnings and business growth. Let’s get started!

Average Landscaper Salary in USA

National Average Salary

The national average salary for landscapers in the United States is approximately $31,000 per year. However, this figure can vary significantly based on several factors, such as experience, location, and specialization. As a business owner, understanding these nuances can help you structure competitive salary packages and attract skilled landscapers to your team.

Benchmarking Against National Figures

Benchmarking your landscaper salaries against national figures is an essential step in ensuring your compensation packages are competitive. By doing so, you can identify whether you're offering wages that attract the best talent or if you need to adjust your pay scales to meet industry standards.

Key Factors Influencing Landscaper Salaries

Experience Level

Experience plays a significant role in determining landscaper salaries. Entry-level landscapers typically earn less than those with several years of experience. However, experienced landscapers bring valuable skills and knowledge to your business, which can enhance the quality of your services and customer satisfaction.

Strategies for Rewarding and Retaining Experienced Staff

To retain experienced landscapers, consider offering competitive salaries, performance bonuses, and opportunities for career advancement. Additionally, recognizing their contributions through awards or special incentives can boost morale and loyalty.

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Geographic Location

Geographic location is another critical factor influencing landscaper salaries. Salaries can vary widely from state to state and even between cities within the same state. Typically, regions with higher living costs offer higher salaries to compensate for the increased expenses.

Adjusting Pay Scales for Local Cost of Living

When setting salaries, consider the cost of living in your area. Offering competitive wages that reflect local living costs can help you attract and retain top talent. For example, landscapers in metropolitan areas or regions with a year-round growing season may expect higher wages compared to those in rural areas or regions with harsh winters.


Landscapers who specialize in certain areas, such as irrigation systems, landscape design, or horticulture, often command higher salaries. These specialized skills are in demand and usually require additional training or certification.

Offering Training and Development Opportunities

Investing in your employees' education can pay off significantly. By providing training and development opportunities, you can help your staff gain specialized skills that not only benefit them personally but also enhance the services your business offers. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and potentially higher revenue.

Company Size

The size of your company can also impact landscaper salaries. Larger firms often have more resources to offer higher wages and benefits compared to smaller, local businesses. However, smaller companies can compete by offering a close-knit work environment and opportunities for rapid career advancement.

Benefits and Compensation Packages

In addition to competitive salaries, consider offering comprehensive benefits packages that include health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. These perks can make your business more attractive to potential employees and help you retain your current staff.

Detailed Salary Insights by State

Understanding salary trends in different states can help you make informed decisions about your pay scales. Let’s explore the average landscaper salaries in a few key states:


In California, landscapers earn an average of $38,000 per year. The higher salaries in this state reflect the high cost of living, especially in metropolitan areas like Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Considerations for California Business Owners

If you operate in California, offering competitive salaries is essential. Additionally, providing benefits like transportation allowances or housing stipends can make your compensation packages more attractive.


In Texas, the average landscaper salary is around $29,000 annually, which is slightly below the national average. However, the cost of living in Texas is generally lower than in states like California, which can balance out the lower wages.

Considerations for Texas Business Owners

Texas business owners can attract talent by offering flexible work schedules, professional development opportunities, and performance bonuses. Highlighting the lower cost of living in Texas can also be a selling point when recruiting from out of state.


Florida landscapers make about $30,000 per year. The state's long growing season provides consistent work opportunities, which can be a significant advantage.

Considerations for Florida Business Owners

To stand out in the competitive Florida market, consider offering year-round employment, comprehensive benefits, and opportunities for career advancement. Emphasizing the state's pleasant climate and abundant outdoor work can also attract potential employees.

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Job Outlook and Industry Opportunities

The demand for skilled landscapers is expected to grow in the coming years. Homeowners and businesses are increasingly investing in their outdoor spaces, creating a steady demand for landscaping services. Additionally, the emphasis on sustainable and eco-friendly landscaping practices is opening up new opportunities within the industry.

Projected Growth in Demand

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in the landscaping industry is projected to grow by 10% over the next decade, faster than the average for all occupations. This growth is driven by the increasing popularity of outdoor living spaces and the ongoing need for maintenance of commercial and residential properties.

Emerging Trends in Landscaping

Staying ahead of industry trends can give your business a competitive edge. Some of the emerging trends in landscaping include:

  • Sustainable Practices: Eco-friendly landscaping techniques, such as xeriscaping and the use of native plants, are becoming increasingly popular. These practices not only benefit the environment but can also reduce maintenance costs for your clients.
  • Outdoor Living Spaces: Homeowners are investing more in outdoor kitchens, fire pits, and entertainment areas. Offering design and installation services for these features can expand your business.
  • Technology Integration: Incorporating technology, such as automated irrigation systems and landscape lighting, can enhance the services you offer and attract tech-savvy clients.

Strategies for Increasing Landscaper Salaries and Business Growth

As a business owner, there are several strategies you can implement to increase landscaper salaries and foster business growth. Here are some key areas to focus on:

Enhancing Employee Experience

Providing a positive work environment and diverse project opportunities can make your business more attractive to potential employees and increase job satisfaction for your current staff.

Diverse Project Opportunities

Offering a variety of projects can help your employees develop new skills and stay engaged in their work. This can lead to higher productivity and a more skilled workforce.

Mentorship and Career Progression

Implementing a mentorship program can help less experienced landscapers learn from seasoned professionals. Additionally, providing clear paths for career progression can motivate your employees to stay with your company and grow their careers.

Continuing Education and Certification

Investing in your employees' education can significantly enhance their skills and your business’s offerings. Consider partnering with educational institutions or industry organizations to provide training and certification programs.

Benefits of Employee Training

Well-trained employees are more efficient and capable of taking on complex projects. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and increased revenue for your business.

Certification Programs

Encouraging your employees to pursue certifications in specialized areas, such as landscape design or irrigation systems, can make your business more competitive and allow you to charge higher rates for specialized services.

Networking and Industry Involvement

Building relationships within the industry can provide valuable insights and opportunities for your business. Participating in trade shows, professional associations, and industry events can help you stay informed about the latest trends and best practices.

Importance of Industry Relationships

Networking with other professionals in the industry can lead to new business opportunities and partnerships. It can also provide access to resources and knowledge that can help you grow your business.

Trade Shows and Professional Associations

Participating in trade shows and joining professional associations can enhance your business's visibility and credibility. These events and organizations often provide valuable educational resources and networking opportunities.

Exploring Self-Employment and Business Expansion

Encouraging entrepreneurial growth within your company and exploring opportunities for business expansion can lead to higher earnings and increased market presence.

Encouraging Entrepreneurial Growth

Supporting employees who show an interest in starting their own landscaping businesses can create a positive company culture and foster innovation. Providing mentorship and resources can help them succeed and reflect positively on your business.

Business Expansion

Exploring opportunities to expand your services or geographic reach can open up new revenue streams. Consider adding new services, such as landscape design or maintenance, or expanding into new markets to grow your business.

How do you level up?

A lot of landscaping pros struggle with growing their business. When you are running with a two to three man crew with limited equipment, while you’re not making millions, but you’re making enough and things are manageable.

However, many landscaping pros realize that as soon as you hire more crews and buy more equipment, managing the business starts becoming difficult. There’s just too much to organize, oversee, and do.

This is when you need a systematic approach to grow your business. Watch SiteRecon’s FREE Landscaping Sales Masterclass to organize your entire sales funnel - from acquisition to renewal. During the masterclass, industry vets cover topics like lead generation, pipeline management, onboarding, closures, creating winning proposals, and standing out from the competition, etc.


1. What is the average salary for a landscaper in the United States?

The national average salary for a landscaper in the United States is approximately $31,000 per year. This figure can vary based on factors such as experience, geographic location, and specialization.

2. How does experience affect a landscaper's salary?

Experience significantly impacts a landscaper's salary. Entry-level landscapers typically earn less, while those with several years of experience can command higher wages due to their advanced skills and knowledge.

3. Why do landscaper salaries vary by state?

Landscaper salaries vary by state due to differences in the cost of living, demand for landscaping services, and the availability of year-round work. States with higher living costs, such as California, generally offer higher salaries to compensate.

4. What specialized skills can increase a landscaper's salary?

Specialized skills such as irrigation systems, landscape design, and horticulture can increase a landscaper's salary. These skills are in high demand and often require additional training or certification.

Wrapping up!

Understanding the average landscaper salary and the factors that influence it is essential for landscaping business owners. By offering competitive salaries, investing in employee training, and staying informed about industry trends, you can attract and retain top talent, enhance your services, and grow your business.

Ready to take your landscaping business to the next level? Apply the insights and strategies outlined in this guide to refine your pricing strategies and contact us today to learn more about how SiteRecon  can help you achieve your goals and unlock your full potential.

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