Instant Snow Removal Quotes

Stop wasting time measuring properties manually. Start putting out more bids by automating your measurements and close 2X more business

SiteRecon's Instant AI allows you to measure parking lots for snow contracts in under 30 seconds without lifting a finger - allowing you to put out more bids and spend more time with the prospect - leading to higher closures

Currently Serving More Than 500 users on 200,000+ Sites

How to sell more with SiteRecon Instant?

Enter the address

Right after the prospect explains why he has called, you can ask them their address and plug it into SiteRecon Instant.

Click on "Get Measurements"

Over the next ~30 seconds, the AI will measure the site. While that happens, you can chat up the prospects and explain why your service is exceptional.

Give the quote

Measurements are ready. Multiply the area with your rate and share a quote with the prospect. In doing so, you are able to sell more. All it would cost you is 50 cents!

Case Studies

Faster measurements lead to higher closing rate

“The first person there has a pretty good chance of closing, and it allows us to be that first person there with a proposal much more often. If you’re not able to respond quickly in a professional and accurate manner through the sales process, then they (customers) are probably not going to think that you’ll be able to do that on the service side.”

-Tim, CEO of Tim Johnson Landscaping, NC

Fast and accurate measurements instill confidence in sales reps

It instills confidence into the sales reps knowing that they’re coming to the table with an estimate that’s accurate. So if the sales rep believes that what they’re selling is accurate and fair, then I think it’s easier for them to negotiate.”

-Tyler is the CEO of Priority Landscape.

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