Best Practices

What Do Landscapers Do in the Winter? 15 Ways to Grow Your Business

September 25, 2024
4 mins


Shivang Shukla
At a glance

For many landscapers, winter might seem like a time to slow down and wait for the snow to melt, but in reality, it offers a whole new set of opportunities. If you run a landscaping business, the colder months don’t have to be an off-season—you can keep your business thriving by focusing on winter services. So, what do landscapers do in the winter? Let’s explore how to keep your team busy, maintain revenue, and ensure a smooth transition into spring.

Shifting Focus: What Do Landscapers Do in the Winter?

Winter calls for a shift in focus. While you may not be mowing lawns or planting new shrubs, there are plenty of tasks to keep you occupied. Winter landscaping services range from snow removal to hardscape installations, ensuring your clients' properties stay safe and well-maintained through the colder months.

Here’s what a typical winter for landscapers might look like:

  • Snow Removal: Keeping driveways, walkways, and parking lots clear of snow.
  • Holiday Lighting & Decorations: Adding festive cheer to homes and businesses with lights and decorations.
  • Hardscape Projects: Winter is the perfect time to install patios, retaining walls, and other hardscapes.
  • Plant Winterization: Protecting sensitive plants from frost and preparing lawns for the cold.

Instead of slowing down, landscapers can adapt to the season and offer tailored services that keep the business going and customers happy.

15 Winter Landscaping Services for Year-Round Business

So, what can your landscaping company offer during the winter? Here’s a look at 15 winter landscaping services to keep your business thriving, even when it’s cold outside.

1. Snow Removal Services

One of the most obvious services is snow removal. Clearing snow from driveways, sidewalks, and parking lots is essential for residential and commercial properties alike. Offering this service can lead to recurring snow removal contracts that last the entire winter.

Read More: Snow Removal Equipment Every Landscaping Business Should Own

2. De-icing and Salting

In addition to snow removal, offering de-icing and salting services can help prevent ice buildup and keep walkways safe. Clients will appreciate knowing they can avoid slips and falls, making this a must-have service in your winter portfolio.

3. Holiday Lighting & Decoration

Winter also brings the holiday season, and many clients want their homes or businesses to look festive. Offering holiday lighting and outdoor decoration services can add a fun, creative side to your winter work.

4. Hardscape Installation

Winter is often a slower time for other landscaping work, so it’s a great time to install hardscapes like patios, walkways, and retaining walls. These projects don’t rely on growing conditions, so they’re perfect for colder months.

5. Winter Plant Pruning

Some trees and shrubs actually benefit from winter pruning. Fruit trees, for instance, are best pruned when they’re dormant, and removing dead branches during winter can help promote healthier growth come spring.

6. Winterizing Irrigation Systems

Before freezing temperatures hit, your clients' irrigation systems need to be winterized. This involves draining the system and ensuring no water is left in the pipes to freeze and cause damage.

7. Mulching and Protecting Plants

Certain plants need extra care to survive the winter. Applying mulch around the base of trees and shrubs can help insulate their roots and protect them from harsh weather conditions.

Read More: How to price mulch jobs?

8. Gutter Cleaning

Fall often leaves gutters clogged with debris. Offering gutter cleaning before the snow arrives can prevent ice dams from forming and causing damage to your clients' homes.

9. Firewood Sales and Delivery

If your business has access to firewood, selling and delivering it to local homeowners can be a great source of winter revenue. Many clients rely on wood for heating or outdoor fires, so this is a helpful service to offer.

10. Ice Dam Prevention and Removal

Ice dams can form on roofs when melting snow refreezes, causing water damage. Offering ice dam prevention and removal services can save your clients from costly repairs and build goodwill for your business.

11. Winter Landscape Design Consultations

Just because you can’t plant flowers or shrubs doesn’t mean you can’t plan. Offering landscape design consultations during the winter ensures that your clients are ready to go when spring arrives.

12. Tree Removal and Stump Grinding

Winter is often a great time to remove dead or hazardous trees, especially when the ground is frozen. Stump grinding can also be done during this time to prepare for new plantings in the spring.

13. Indoor Plant Care Services

Many homeowners bring their potted plants indoors for the winter. Offering maintenance for indoor plants—watering, fertilizing, and pruning—can keep your team busy during the colder months.

14. Winter Pond Maintenance

Garden ponds need care during the winter too. Offering services like pond cleaning and maintaining water quality can help prevent damage from freezing temperatures.

15. Winter Turf Maintenance

Lawns don’t die in the winter—they go dormant. You can help your clients prepare their lawns for spring by applying winter fertilizers, aerating the soil, and addressing potential snow mold risks.

Equipment Maintenance & Winter Prep

Winter is the perfect time for landscaping businesses to focus on maintaining and prepping equipment for the busy spring and summer seasons. During peak landscaping months, landscaping equipment like mowers, trimmers, and leaf blowers see heavy use, and regular maintenance often gets pushed aside due to the hectic schedule. However, winter offers the downtime needed to give your tools the attention they deserve, ensuring they’re in top shape when work picks back up.

Winter is the perfect downtime to:

  • Service Equipment: Clean, tune, and repair all of your machines so they’re ready for spring.
  • Purchase New Equipment: Take advantage of winter sales to stock up on tools and machines you’ll need in the coming year.

Staying on top of equipment maintenance not only ensures smooth operations but also helps you avoid costly breakdowns during peak seasons.

Planning and Upskilling in the Off-Season

Winter is an ideal time for landscaping businesses to focus on professional growth and strategic planning. With a slower workload, you can invest in activities that help improve your skills and business processes:

  • Attend Trade Shows: These events showcase the latest trends, tools, and techniques in the landscaping industry, keeping you competitive and informed.
  • Take Online Courses: Use this downtime to enhance your expertise in areas like business management, plant care, or marketing, which will benefit your operations long-term.
  • Train Your Staff: Organize training sessions to upskill your team, ensuring they’re ready for the upcoming busy season with new knowledge and efficiency.
  • Use Technology: This is the perfect time to invest in tools like job management software or estimating apps that can streamline your business and improve productivity year-round.

By focusing on learning and planning in the off-season, you can ensure that your business is better prepared and more efficient once the busy months return.

Generating Additional Revenue Streams During Winter

Winter landscaping services aren’t just about survival—they’re an opportunity to diversify and grow. Here are a few additional ways to boost your revenue:

Firewood Sales

Firewood sales should be on your landscaping services list. Selling firewood can be profitable in winter, as many homeowners rely on it for heating. Stock various hardwoods and offer delivery services to attract more customers.

Gutter Cleaning & Ice Dam Removal

Offer gutter cleaning and ice dam removal to prevent water damage from clogs and freezing. Educate clients on the importance of maintenance to promote these services.

Consultation Services

Use winter to provide landscape consultation for spring projects. Engage clients in planning and design improvements, securing contracts ahead of the busy season.

Holiday Lighting Installation

Offer decorative holiday lighting services for both residential and commercial properties. This seasonal service can attract new clients and add to your winter income.

Marketing Winter Landscaping Services

Marketing your winter services is just as important as offering them. Here’s how to reach new and existing customers during the cold months:

  • Digital Marketing: Update your website and social media channels to highlight winter services like snow removal, lighting installation, and more.
  • Email Campaigns: Send targeted emails to remind your existing clients of the services they need during winter.
  • Local Advertising: Run ads in local newspapers or community bulletin boards to attract new clients in your area.

By keeping your marketing efforts strong, you can ensure that your business stays top of mind—even when the ground is covered in snow.

Read More: How to Create Winning Landscaping Advertisements

Benefits of Winter Services for Landscaping Businesses

Offering winter landscaping services has multiple benefits:

  • Year-Round Revenue: Avoid the winter slump and keep your cash flow steady.
  • Employee Retention: Keep your employees on the payroll through the slower months.
  • Full-Service Reputation: Establish your company as a year-round solution for your clients' outdoor needs.

By offering winter services, you not only grow your business but also build stronger relationships with your customers.


1. How can winter services benefit my landscaping business?

Offering winter services helps maintain steady revenue, keeps your employees engaged, and enhances your reputation as a full-service landscaping provider.

2. Is snow removal a profitable winter service?

Yes, snow removal can be very profitable, especially with long-term contracts for commercial properties, ensuring consistent income throughout the winter months.

3. How can I prepare my landscaping business for winter?

Prepare by investing in winter equipment, training staff, and marketing your winter services early to secure jobs before the busy season starts.

4. Can I provide consultation services in winter?

Absolutely! Winter is a great time to offer consultations, helping clients plan their spring projects and securing contracts ahead of time.

Wrapping up!

Winter doesn’t have to be an off-season for landscapers. In fact, it’s a time to expand your offerings, maintain client relationships, and prepare for a successful spring. By embracing winter landscaping services, you can keep your business growing no matter what the weather brings.

Ready to take your landscaping business to the next level? Contact us today to learn more about how SiteRecon (Landscape Estimating Software) can help you achieve your goals and unlock your full potential.

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